Benedict XVI Speaks Out; Warns of Coming ‘Global Humanistic Dictatorship’, by Martin Barillas

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By Martin Barillas, Church Militant, May 6, 2020

Warns of coming ‘global humanistic dictatorship’

ROME ( – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI accuses his opponents of seeking to silence him while he also warns against a future humanist dictatorship that may control the world.

Benedict XVI The Biography

In an authorized biography by German author Peter Seewald, Benedict says in Benedict XVI – A Life that accusations that he has interfered in the current pontificate are based in a “malignant distortion of reality.” 

Despite some commentary in various circles of the Catholic Church that he may have sought to undermine the current pontiff, Benedict said in the book that his “personal friendship with Pope Francis has not only endured, but grown.” 

The remarks are found in the last chapter of Seewald’s book, which is based on interviews that took place in late 2019. The book was published in German on May 4 and runs over 1,100 pages. The book is scheduled to appear in English in November as Benedict XVI The Biography: Volume 1. An Italian version is expected in September.

Benedict told Seewald that he had prepared a spiritual testament that will not be revealed until after his death. He did not elaborate as to its contents. Benedict, who is now 93 years old, resigned from the papacy in 2013.   …

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