Cdl. Brandmüller: Everything is at Stake at the Amazon Synod, by Dr. Maike Hickson

The Church Is Not a Democracy, by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
October 18, 2019
Daily Reading & Meditation: Saturday (October 19)
October 19, 2019

Cardinal Brandmüller addressing the 'Humanae Vitae at 50' conference in Rome, Oct. 28, 2017.Diane Montagna / LifeSiteNews

Translation by LifeSite’s Dr. Maike Hickson, LifeSiteNews, October 17, 2019

In a new statement on the ongoing Pan-Amazon Synod of Bishops in Rome, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller – a respected Church historian and one of the two remaining dubia cardinals – warns against the replacement of the Catholic faith by “a pantheistic natural religion of man.”

With regard to the Amazon Synod’s working document (Instrumentum Laboris), the German cardinal makes it clear that it is essentially eclipsing all of the Church’s magisterial documents from the Second Vatican Council onward, while nearly exclusively relying on quotations from a regional episcopal conference, the Latin American Conference of Bishops in Aparecida, Brazil, in 2007. Here, he warns against a “spectacular breach with the dogmatically binding tradition.”

After explaining the Catholic faith’s nature as a religion based on God’s revelation to man, Brandmüller points out that “the frightening question arises whether the protagonists of this synod are not more concerned with the attempt secretly to replace religion as man’s answer to the call of its Creator by a pantheistic natural religion of man – namely, by a new variant of modernism from the beginning of the 20th century.” And the German prelate draws a line to the warnings of Holy Scripture concerning the end times, saying: “It is difficult not to think of the eschatological texts of the New Testament!” ….


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