Cdl. Burke Warns of Vatican Push for One-World Government, by Jules Gomes 

Cdl Müller Warns US College Students About ‘Poison’ of Adapting Church to ‘Spirit of the Age’, by Doug Mainwaring
January 3, 2020
Transgenderism Is Not Normal, by Casey Chalk
January 3, 2020

By Jules Gomes, Church Militant, January 1, 2020

‘Synodal way’ is Trojan horse to protestantize Catholic Church

ROME ( – Pope Francis’ call for a global educational pact at the Vatican in May 2020 is potentially an event to promote a one-world government, a leading traditionalist cardinal is warning.

Cardinal Raymond Burke, former prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, is also excoriating the Amazon Synod‘s motif of “ecological conversion” as a masonic subterfuge to advance a one-world government and the jargon of “synodal conversion” in Amazon and German synods as a deception to protestantize the Catholic Church.

The outspoken prelate is calling for more orthodox lay apostolates who can defend Catholicism because of “a tremendous spread of confusion and error in the Church” and the silence of many bishops.

Burke told The Wanderer in a Dec. 26 column that “‘ecological conversion’ is being used as an argument for a one-world government,” which is the “idea of completely secularized people who no longer recognize that the governance of the world is in the hands of God, who entrusts it to individual governments, nations, and groupings of people according to nature itself,” comparing it to the Tower of Babel.

The idea of a one-world government is fundamentally the same phenomenon that was displayed by the builders of the Tower of Babel who presumed to exercise the power of God on earth to unite heaven with earth, which is simply incorrect. What we truly need is a religious conversion, in other words, a strong teaching and practice of faith in God and obedience to the order with which He has created us. ….

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