This Catholic Parish Has Helped Hundreds Find Jobs, by Jim Graves

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L to R: Michael Aimola, Virginia Sullivan, Deacon Steve Greco

“I think the greatest gift we can give the poor is to teach them how to find work so that they can provide for their own needs.”

By Jim Graves, EWTN News, 2/13/20

Monday mornings at a restaurant in Irvine, California, volunteers from nearby St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) Parish meet with two to seven unemployed job seekers to offer them helpful tips so that they may find new jobs. The SEAS Employment Ministry was launched during the 2008 recession and has since helped hundreds find gainful employment.

Church might not be the first place people think of when they need help finding a job, said Michael Aimola, co-director of the ministry with Virginia Sullivan and Brian Wolf and a volunteer since its launch, “but we have people sitting in the pews Sunday after Sunday who need help finding jobs, so why not offer them the help they need?”

Those seeking help from the ministry are often older workers laid off from a longtime job who have no idea how to begin a job search. Aimola continued, “The job application process is markedly different than it was 10 or 15 years ago. People come to us who have no idea what LinkedIn is, no idea how to write a resume or who are unfamiliar with the computerized applicant tracking system that is so common today.”  ….

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