What We’ll Learn about Civil Society, Family, and Technology from Coronavirus, by Adam J. MacLeod

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No one can say with precision how many people this virus will infect or kill. Predictions are difficult. But we know some things about ourselves, so we can venture to say what this unusual moment will reveal about us.

By Adam J. MacLeod. Public Discourse, March 16, 2020

We officially have a novel virus pandemic. The President has declared a national emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The American people—we hustled masses—have slowed down to an amble. We are staying home from school, work, university, and conferences. We even are staying home from worship.

The cause of COVID-19 is SARS-CoV-2, popularly known as Coronavirus. Although it originated in China, it spread in Italy and South Korea, two free societies, before it began to spread in the United States. Thus, we have the benefit of good data and of seeing how free societies responded to it. We are better prepared as a result.

Still, no one can say with precision how many people the virus will infect or kill. Predictions are difficult. But we know some things about ourselves, so we can venture to say what this unusual moment will reveal about us.

One thing is certain: This too shall pass. When it does, I predict that we will have learned three things about ourselves. These are nearly certain. One of them is cause for optimism, one for pessimism, and one is a draw.  ….

Read more here:  thepublicdiscourse.com/2020/03/61473/