2 Things To Do When Shepherds Don’t Shepherd, by Carrie Gress

Founder’s Quote
December 4, 2020
Don’t Waste Advent, by Joan Watson
December 4, 2020

By Carrie Gress, Theology of Home, November 29, 2020

A couple of years ago, my husband and I had dinner with a wonderful bishop at a trendy restaurant in Washington, D.C. It was the first time I recall actually sensing just how out of favor bishops are in an urban setting. Between then-Cardinal McCarrick in the news and the seeming triumph of the LGTB movement, my husband and I confided to each other afterward that it was the first time we could have imagined a restaurant doing something unsavory to our food because of our guest in black with a pectoral cross.

There was a time, not too long ago, when it was a big deal for a cardinal or bishop to appear on TV, bringing the moral authority of the Church into our living rooms, like Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Those days are now gone, even though internet streaming makes it possible for them to be almost ubiquitous. What is sad, ironically, is not the bishops’ missing presence, but their missing authority.   …

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