5 Months Pregnant, I Face Losing My Job And Health Care For Choosing Not To Get A COVID-19 Injection, by Lori Fisher

NYC Restaurants Refuse to Be de Blasio’s Vaccine Enforcers ‘Like Nazi Germany’, by Craig Bannister
August 21, 2021
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Whoever Humbles Oneself Will Be Exalted
August 21, 2021

The state of Oregon is forcing me to contradict what I think is best for myself and my baby or face losing my job and health coverage when I need it most.

By Lori Fisher, The Federalist, Aug. 20, 2021

Lori is a mom and an IT Systems Administrator. She is also a 10 year US Army veteran.


Lori FisherI am an Oregon state employee, but from the looks of things, I won’t be for too long. Kate Brown, the governor of Oregon, has announced a mandate for all state executive agency employees to have full COVID-19 vaccination by October 18 or six weeks after full approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whichever is later.

I am currently five months pregnant. Under this mandate, I stand to lose my job and health care if I don’t allow a needle in my arm, even though the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are unknown.

Yes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now recommending the vaccine for pregnant women. The CDC says the risks of COVID-19 for unborn children and their mothers are greater than the unknown risks of the vaccine. But how can they know, if the long-term risks of the vaccine are unknown? These COVID treatments are, after all, only several months old themselves. …

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