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October 11, 2017The Transgender Matrix: It’s Time to Choose the Red Pill
October 11, 2017
By Michael F. Haverluck,, October 11, 2017
The mother of a student at a public middle school in Georgia is not alone in voicing outrage after the school’s health teacher assigned a “sexual identity” quiz to her sixth-grade class – an assignment that included LGBT terms such as “bisexual” and lesbian.
Public outrage over the pro-LGBT curriculum is targeting Lithonia Middle School in Georgia’s DeKalb County School District (DCSD) after sixth-grade students were expected to learn and differentiate between 10 “sexual identity” terms, including “gay” and “transgender.”
Where did this come from?
When Octavia Parks’ 12-year-old daughter arrived home and revealed the controversial assignment, shock and anger set in.
“Why are they teaching that in school?” Parks asked Fox 5 Atlanta. “What does that have to do with life?”
She contended that her daughter was too young to learn about sexual orientation and LGBT issues, insisting that the sexually mature material being taught was inappropriate subject matter for school.
“We’re talking about a sixth grader who still watches Nickelodeon,” Parks continued. “I’m not ready to explain what these words are – nor what they mean.”
The concerned parent’s guard was down after she previously received assurance from her daughter’s health teacher that instruction on such material would not take place in her classroom.
“We had a brief conversation, and she assured me that this sort of thing would not happen.” Parks noted. “Nonetheless, it is happening.”
Now that the homosexual agenda being implemented inside the classroom has been exposed, Parks has taken a proactive step to protect her child by signing a consent form to remove her from the health class.
More backlash
Parks is not alone in her opposition to the sixth graders’ sexual identity quiz.
”Parents have questioned what the assignment ‘has to do with life,’ if the students are old enough for the lesson, and whether it is part of the approved curriculum,” Bulloch County’s reported. “The biggest issue, for some parents, is that they were previously told the subject matter would not be taught.”
One parent is particularly upset that the faculty is sneaking in new and unapproved LGBT instruction materials into the classroom – unbeknownst to parents.
“Eva McClain, the mother of a past Lithonia Middle School student, agrees that the material is inappropriate for school,” Fox News reported. “She also said that the sexual orientation quiz was not part of the health class’ curriculum when her daughter was in school.”
McClain argues that the school is overstepping its boundaries by discussing such sensitive gender issues … ones that she says should be reserved for closed doors – at home between parents and their children.
“If a kid wants to know about the gender or know about the sex preference, it should come from the parents, not from the school,” McClain reasoned, according to Fox News.
Looking into things?
Even though DCSD officials did not indicate whether or not they approved the LGBT curriculum, the district did issue a written statement to address Park’s concern.
“DCSD has been made aware of this alleged event, and is working to verify its authenticity,” a district spokesman told Fox 5. “We will investigate this event and take action, as appropriate, once that investigation is completed.”
Park announced that she would communicate her concerns directly to the officials at the DCSD headquarters on Tuesday.
“I will be removing her from that class, and I’m also going to take it to the board of education to see what they have to say about it, as well,” Parks informed.
A sampling
A snapshot of the actual test was obtained by the media for the public to observe for itself.
Here is a sample provided by the Daily Mail of a number of definitions appearing on the sexual identity quiz – underneath which students were instructed to write in the correct LGBT term (prescribed answers provided in parentheses):
A woman who is attracted to women … (lesbian)
A man who is attracted to men … (gay)
A person who is attracted to men and women … (bisexual)
A man who is attracted to women, or a woman who is attracted to men … (straight)