Abortifacient Brief: The Birth Control Pill, by Brian Clowes

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By Brian Clowes, Ph.D., Human Life International

What exactly is abortifacient birth control? Essentially, it’s a contraceptive that actually can cause early abortion. The majority of women who want to inhibit their fertility (as of 2012, about 10.7 million Americans[1]) turn to such methods. The principal method of abortifacient birth control is “the Pill,” which first became widely used in the late 1960’s and helped fuel the Sexual Revolution.

Here are 5 things you should know about birth control pills.

#1. The Pill can cause abortion.

The term “contraceptive” indicates that the results prevent a woman from being fertile at all. However, all birth control pills on the market today function as abortifacients part of the time.  The Pill ends early pregnancies part of the time by preventing implantation of an already fertilized egg.

How does this happen?

Over the past half-century, three general classes of birth control pill have been manufactured in the United States and other countries — the high‑dose pill, the low‑dose pill and the progestin-only “mini‑pill.”

Users of the old high‑dosage birth control pills experienced relatively severe side effects.  These pills were considered non‑abortifacient in their two‑fold modes of action.  The pills generally worked by thickening cervical mucus and inhibiting ovulation, but not by preventing implantation of a developing human being in the uterine lining. Sometimes, however, breakthrough ovulation occurred, and so the older pills were only occasionally abortifacient in their actions.

The newer low‑dosage pills have three modes of action: ….

Read more at  https://www.hli.org/resources/abortifacient-brief-birth-control-pill/?utm_source=emailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2019-09-26