Abortion Lobby’s Pandemic Push: Urges FDA to Lift Restrictions on Chemical Abortions, by Lauretta Brown

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Pro-lifers warn of dire consequences.

By Lauretta Brown, EWTN News, 4/25/20

Register staff writer Lauretta Brown reports from Washington.

WASHINGTON — While the United States’ death toll in the coronavirus pandemic climbed to 53,625 Thursday, abortion groups and their political allies have urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lift restrictions on mifepristone (Mifeprex), a drug used for chemical abortion.

The FDA has restricted mifepristone under its “Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies” (REMS) drug-safety program since 2000, only permitting that it be prescribed by a certified health-care provider and dispensed in a clinic, hospital or medical office.

Abortion advocates claim that these restrictions are unnecessary and, particularly in this pandemic, “self-managed abortions” using this drug should be widely accessible through pharmacies and even online. However, pro-life advocates have pointed out the risks of complications and even death that can result from this drug.  ….

Read more here:  https://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/abortion-lobbys-pandemic-push-urges-fda-to-lift-restrictions-on-chemical-ab