Abp. Viganò: Pagan Modernity is Preparing a Scourge ‘Far More Disastrous’ Than the Flood

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‘Sacred Scripture and the Fathers teach us that the Ark is a type of the Holy Church, thanks to which the elect can save themselves from mankind’s communal shipwreck.’

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSiteNews, Feb 13, 2023

(LifeSiteNews) — Yesterday Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò presented a sombre Sunday homily (below) in which he reflected on the “abyss of evil … into which we see the contemporary world sinking” and counsels Christians to find refuge from the coming “scourge,” one “far more disastrous than the ancient Flood,” in the Ark of Salvation, the Catholic Church. He warns against counterfeit arks, and compares those who promote the plans of the New World Order to those who danced “inebriated and carefree” on the Titanic. He suggest that Pope Francis is remiss in his duties, saying “The man who ought to be calling us to board the True Ark has also gotten on board this horrid transatlantic liner, and we see him along with the wicked toasting the mighty of the earth, the enemies of God.” Nevertheless, he reminds Christians that the Helmsman who holds “firmly” the rudder of the Church, the true Ark of Salvation, is Jesus Christ, Our Lord. 


Homily of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for Sexagesima Sunday

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of men was on the earth and that every inner desire of their hearts was always nothing but evil

Gen 6:5

On Sexagesima Sunday we are drawing near to the time of penance and fasting in preparation for Easter. Already for a week the Alleluia has been silent in the liturgy, replaced in the Mass by the Tract. And on this Sunday that is quasi-penitential the Church – with the Readings of Matins – accompanies us in the consideration of sin which leads God to destroy the rebellious human race with the Flood, saving only the family of Noah. …