How Division is a Primary Tactic of the Devil, by Philip Kosloski
June 5, 2020America Is Better Than This, by Armstrong Williams
June 5, 2020
By Melanie Arter, CNSNews, June 4, 2020
( – Attorney General Bill Barr announced Thursday that the Justice Department has evidence that Antifa and similar extremist groups instigated violent activity among those protesting George Floyd’s death during a police arrest in Minnesota last month.
“While many have peacefully expressed their anger and grief, others have hijacked protests to engage in lawlessness – violent rioting, arson, looting of businesses, and public property, assaults on law enforcement officers and innocent people, and even the murder of a federal agent. Such senseless acts of anarchy are not exercises of First Amendment rights,” he said at a DOJ press conference.
They are crimes, designed to terrify fellow citizens and intimidate communities. As I told the governors on Monday, we understand the distinction between three different sets of actors here. The large preponderance of those who are protesting are peaceful demonstrators who are exercising their First Amendment rights. …