Against Restraining Our Rhetoric, by Christopher J. Brennan, Esq. 

The Astonishing Power of One Hail Mary, by Joseph Pronechen 
March 29, 2023
Msgr. Charles Pope: What Does Scripture Mean by “the Flesh”?
March 29, 2023

[Image Credit: Synodaler Weg / Maximilian von Lachner]

In light of the extremity of the German bishops’ message, why is so much discourse around Catholic doctrine and departure from it surrounded with so much politesse and restraint?


Christopher J. Brennan, Esq.As if Germany hasn’t inflicted enough pain on the world in the last 100 years, their Catholic bishops have now spoken: “Victims of the Sexual Revolution, you don’t matter. We know what’s good for the world, and it’s more orgasms no matter how they are gotten. We are now the Political Church, and we are with the world, God be set aside.”

In light of the extremity of the German bishops’ message, why is so much discourse around Catholic doctrine and departure from it surrounded with so much politesse and restraint? I do not share some of the kind indulgences recently written in these pages. …