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January 18, 2018
Photo: Dr. Alveda King. (YouTube)
By Michael W. Chapman, CNSNews, January 17, 2018
( — During a discussion about religious freedom in America, Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said that Facebook had “pulled down” ads for a movie about Roe v. Wadebecause the social media giant does not “want the message of the injustice of abortion broadcast,” which, she added, is a “violation of religious freedom” and “very discriminatory.”
Dr. King is one of the executive producers of the movie, which includes Hollywood actor Jon Voight. The fundraising website for the film can be viewed at
Dr. King made her remarks during a special edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, who is the president of the Family Research Council (FRC). The live show on Tuesday was broadcast on the Facebook page of the FRC in honor of Religious Freedom Day. President Donald Trump proclaimed Jan. 16, 2018 as Religious Freedom Day on Tuesday.
While discussing religious liberty in America and abroad, both Tony Perkins and Dr. King praised the power of social media to spread information and especially the Gospel. However, as Dr. King explained, social media is not as freedom-loving as one might think.
FRC President Tony Perkins.
“You are making the appeal to those on Facebook to be involved, and me included,” said Dr. King. “Many of you know there’s a new movie coming out, Roe v. Wade. I’m one of the executive producers. Facebook has pulled down our ads, the paid ads and any mention of the non-paid ads.”
“They do not want the message of the injustice of abortion broadcast, and they are trying to block that,” she said. “That’s another violation of religious freedom. It’s very discriminatory.”
King was speaking about ads on Facebook about the Indiegogo fundraising the movie’s backers are promoting to help cover the costs of the film. There is a Facebook page for the movie but apparently ads for the fundraising were blocked.
Actor Jon Voight. (YouTube)
Nick Loeb, an actor and one of the film’s executive producers, told WND, “They have even blocked people sharing the ads I paid for.”
Inquiries by to Facebook for comment were not answered.
Dr. King continued, “So, when we are denied the opportunity and the right to proclaim the Gospel freely in this nation that was founded upon [religious freedom] – and in our Constitution we have that right – it’s a terrible injustice.”
“My uncle [Martin Luther King Jr.] did say that injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere, and I know we can all agree,” she said. “It’s wrong to take the life of a baby in the womb, it’s wrong to silence the voices of people who want to proclaim our faith. All of those are civil rights injustices but they’re an injustice against God’s will.”
“So, I’m very grateful that this type of information, conversation, is available,” said King. “But I’m asking everyone to please support – they’ll be other movies coming out that are telling the truth about the social injustice of silencing the voices of faith in this nation. So we must continue to cry out.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (YouTube)
The description for Roe v. Wade the Movie reads, “Roe v Wade the Movie is the real untold story of how people lied; how the media lied; and how the courts were manipulated to pass a law that has since killed over 60 million Americans.
“Many documentaries have been made, but no one has had the courage to make an actual feature film, a theatrical movie about the true story.”
Alveda King is the niece of the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Her father was civil rights activist Rev. A.D. King. Alveda King earned her Master’s Degree in business management from Central Michigan University. She received an honorary doctorate from Saint Anselm College. A long-time pro-life activist and evangelist, Alveda King is also the director of Civil Rights for the Unborn at Priests for Life.