Trump Responds to Pro-Life Pressure, by Jonathon Van Maren
September 3, 2024Saint of the Day for September 4: St. Rose of Viterbo
September 4, 2024
By + Héctor Aguer, Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Friday, August 30, 2024 (Posted on LifeSiteNews on Sep 3, 2024)
Argentine politicians and trade unionists alike implicitly recognize Pope Francis as the leader of Peronism, writes Archbishop Héctor Aguer, who adds that Peronism ‘had and still has the purpose of changing, of metamorphosing an invariable essence.’
(LifeSiteNews) — I recently read in La Prensa a stunning piece of information about the extent of poverty in Argentine society. The headline reads: “Crude panorama: one million children go to bed on an empty stomach.” The newspaper includes figures from an international report which states that 10 million children in our country “eat less meat and dairy due to a lack of money.”
The liberal-libertarian government boasts of a macroeconomic achievement: having reached fiscal equilibrium and reduced inflation. But it does not notice the cost of the systematic erosion of the middle classes, which are subjected to a growing rate of poverty. This explains why 55 percent of the Argentine population is poor and 11 percent have fallen into indigence. At a glance, one observes unusual scenes – that is, those never recorded in better times – such as people rummaging through piles of garbage in the hope of finding scraps of food. …