Atheist Eco-Globalist Leads Climate Alarmist Brigade at Amazon Synod, by Jules Gomes
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October 22, 2019
By di Sandro Magister, L’Espresso, Oct. 21, 2019
There are two news items from the press conference held on October 21 at the Vatican on the synod for the Amazon.
The first is that the only presentation in the assembly that day, after the one made by Cardinal Cláudio Hummes of the draft of the final document and the recitation of the third hour, was that of a famous climate scientist, the German Hans Joachim Schellnhuber.
Schellnhuber is not a Catholic or even a believer, but he is among the favorites of Pope Francis, who in 2015 appointed him as an ordinary member of the pontifical academy of sciences and chose him as one of the official presenters of the encyclical “Laudato Si’.”
His catastrophic theses – viewed as flimsy by other leading climate experts, as for example in Italy Professor Franco Prodi – are well illustrated by the talk he gave on that occasion, supplemented with graphics and reproduced in its entirety in the bulletin of the Vatican press office. ….