Ben Carson Slams Abortion: It Has “Perverted the Bond Between Mother and Child Into Something Evil” by Micaiah Bilger

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July 2, 2019
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By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, July 1, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC – Dr. Ben Carson praised pro-life advocates as modern-day abolitionists who fight for the rights of babies in the womb Friday during the 2019 Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C.

Carson, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a neurosurgeon and pro-life advocate, encouraged pro-lifers as he denounced the radical pro-abortion agenda of the left, according to the Christian Post.

“They have perverted that bond [between mother and child] into something that has become evil, something that is horrible, something that is harming me and something that I have a right to kill,” Carson said.

“How in the world did we as a society get to that point?” he continued. “We have to be willing to talk about these things. It is our willingness to talk about them and to stand up for people’s rights that has resulted in this becoming the nation that this has become.”

He said the abortion issue today is like the problem of slavery in the 1800s, where certain human beings were denied basic rights.

“People who were slave owners thought that [since] they owned slaves, that they were property, that they could do anything they wanted to them, they beat them, raped them, killed them. Whatever they wanted to do, it was OK because they belonged to them,” Carson said.

“But there were others that said, ‘No, that’s [horrible]. There is no way I can participate in that,’” he continued. “Then there were those abolitionists who said, ‘Not only do I not want to participate in it, I have to stand up for those who are being killed, who are being enslaved.’”

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Carson admitted that there was a time when he did not oppose abortion as strongly as he does now.

“I said ‘I don’t believe in abortion but who am I to stop anyone else from doing it if they want to?’ What if the abolitionists had thought that way? Where would we be?” he said.

His opinion changed as he began doing more operations on very premature babies, according to the report.

Carson also shared a conversation that he had once with a leader of the American Civil Liberties Union, a legal group that claims to fight for individual rights and freedoms.

“I asked the head of the ACLU … ‘Will you advocate for babies that are still in the mother’s womb?’” Carson said. “’Because you say you speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. Certainly, they can’t speak for themselves.’ He said, ‘No, I can’t do that.’

“I said, ‘What about the ones who are premature 25, 26, 27 weeks? They are in an incubator. [He said,], ‘Oh yeah, no problem.’ I said, ‘So, the one that is in the safest place it could be in the universe, you can advocate for but [the other one you can’t].’ He said, ‘I know it doesn’t make much sense,’” he continued.

Carson said abortion activists now openly admit that they believe abortions should not be restricted for any reason up to birth.

“This is where our society has come. This is where our values have come. Human life that is viable outside of the womb and they have made it into an issue of women’s rights,” he said.

He said the abortion issue is about human rights, not women’s rights.

“It has to do with the dignity of human life and we have a Creator who is wise enough to recognize that there is no more sacred bond than the one between the mother and the child she is caring,” Carson said.

He encouraged pro-life Americans to keep speaking out and fighting for the rights of unborn babies.

“We advocate for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all of our people,” he said. “When we have strayed from those things, that is when we have gotten into trouble.”