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November 22, 2022Fr. Michael P. Orsi: The Respect for Marriage Act Should Be Called the ‘Disrespect for Marriage Act’
November 22, 2022
By Emmy Griffin, Patriot Post, Nov. 22, 2022
The Biden administration is using executive orders to circumvent SCOTUS, Congress, and the will of the American people.
The consequences of the midterm red trickle are still to be realized. But one blow that’s coming down the pike is the president’s continuing enforcement of radical policies concerning abortion and so-called gender-affirming healthcare. As Joe Biden put it in a speech after the midterms, he has concluded that the people must like his policies since the red tsunami never appeared. So he’s doubling down on what he was already doing.
Just how will he do that after losing the House and potentially continuing to have a tie in the Senate? Through executive orders and through the overinflated power of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Biden proved from the get-go that he is not going to be shy about using executive orders, even if he doesn’t ultimately have the power to dictate some of those orders.
Through the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. ObamaCare, HHS is able to use the Section 1557 rule to force physicians and hospitals to perform abortions. HHS issued an advisory using the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) as justification for trying to re-nationalize abortion instead of letting it be legislated by the states post-Dobbs. According to National Review: “This notice advised hospitals and physicians that EMTALA required them to ‘stabilize’ ‘people in labor’ by performing emergency abortions. It pointedly stated that ‘when a state law prohibits abortion … that state law is preempted.’ It also declared that EMTALA’s anti-retaliation provision would protect physicians from discipline by their Catholic-hospital employers if they performed abortions in defiance of the Catholic Church’s Ethical and Religious Directives.” ….
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