Biden Admin.: Abortion ‘Rights’ as Important as Religious Liberty, by Michael F. Haverluck

Saving the Secular Easter, by Charles Coulombe
April 5, 2021
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: News of the Resurrection
April 5, 2021

By Michael F. Haverluck, OneNewsNow, April 3, 2021

In a reversal of the Trump administration’s removal of the “reproductive health” section from the annual human rights report, the Biden administration announced Wednesday that it is considering restrictions that countries have on abortion as a violation of human rights.

After the State Department released its 2020 Human Rights Reports that detail religious and human rights violations of foreign nations, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken accused the Trump administration of releasing “unbalanced statements” that “suggest a hierarchy” on human rights, according to

Different administrations … different values

As opposed to former President Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – who stressed that his department concentrated on violations of religious liberty and property rights, Blinken is pushing Democrats’ unbiblical agenda across the world, indicating that killing innocent preborn children is a global right … in the name of “women’s reproductive rights.” …

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