By George Neumayr, Church Militant, September 15, 2020
The prospect of an anti-Catholic Catholic presidency
Journalist George Neumayr’s new book, The Biden Deception: Moderate, Opportunist, or the Democrats’ Crypto-Socialist?, debunks the myth that Joe Biden is a moderate candidate, detailing how Biden’s policies have only become more radical over the years.
The following excerpt is focused on how Biden’s platformstands against the teachings of the Church:
- Neumayr calls Joe Biden’s Catholicism “counterfeit,” based in part on Biden’s radical stance on abortion, particularly with his reversal on the Hyde Amendment.
- Perhaps more priests should follow Church law and ban Joe Biden from Communion.
- Biden’s faith and voting record do not align, leaving religious voters at a crossroads when deciding how to vote in November.
John F. Kennedy was a checkered Catholic, to say the least. But most Catholics didn’t know that or didn’t care, and they voted enthusiastically for him. The checkered Catholics in today’s Democratic Party can’t count on the same level of support. While the liberal bishops are still in the tank for them, members of the laity and a few brave priests have wised up to their lies. Ironically, in recent years the non-Catholic Obama won the Catholic vote while heterodox Catholics such as John Kerry lost it. Hillary Clinton added Tim Kaine, who wore his “social justice” Catholicism on his sleeve, to the ticket, and she ended up losing the Catholic vote in crucial states to Trump and Pence, a Catholic turned evangelical. ….