BOOK PICK: ‘You Shall Stand Firm’: A Catholic Call to Confront Modern Culture, by Patti Maguire Armstrong

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‘You Shall Stand Firm’ cropped cover (photo: EWTN Publishing)

By Patti Maguire Armstrong, EWTN News, May 6, 2023

Patti Maguire Armstrong Patti (Maguire) Armstrong is an award-winning journalist and was managing editor and co-author of the bestselling Amazing Grace Series. …


YOU SHALL STAND FIRM: PRESERVING THE FAITH IN AN AGE OF APOSTSACY, Father William Casey, CPM, EWTN Publishing, 2022, 262 pages, $18.95

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Patti Maguire ArmstrongThe cultural landscape is troubling, aptly observes Father of Mercy William Casey in You Shall Stand Firm: Preserving the Faith in an Age of Apostacy. As Father Casey, a well-known speaker and frequent EWTN guest, writes: “Most of us have the good sense to realize we are now living in a dangerous time of spiritual and moral decay.”

“I say ‘dangerous,’ not just because of the dangers it presents to the salvation of souls and eternity,” he continues, “but if history is a sure guide, these are very dangerous times for the very life and future of the United States. Even a recent nationwide survey showed that 80 percent of Americans believe their country is in a moral decline.” …