Brother Calling Out Brothers, by Nadia Bullock

Crime, Crazies, and the Midterms, by Emmy Griffin
November 7, 2022
To Live or Die: America’s Pro-life Voters Face Ultimate Decision, by John-Henry Westen
November 7, 2022

By Nadia Bullock, Church Militant, November 5, 2022



A faithful prelate is calling out many of his brother bishops for their lack of supernatural faith. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Nadia Bullock looks at the evidence behind the message.

Bp. Joseph Strickland: “The Church is weak and not speaking up enough. But people are fed up.”

Speaking to Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio in an interview published Tuesday, Bp. Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas not only took pro-abortion Catholic Joe Biden to task but also the bishops who refuse to correct him.

Bp. Strickland: “High-ranking people in the Church now saying, ‘Oh well, right to choose, or freedom of choice,’ they’re speaking that language. They’re caving. They’re caving on the teaching of the Church, which is from conception to natural death — that person that is unborn is sacred.” …

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