By Msgr. Robert Batule: The Left and Its Problems with Language

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By Msgr. Robert Batule, Crisis Magazine, Sept. 19, 2022

Msgr. Robert Batule is Pastor of Saint Margaret in Selden, NY. He is on the faculty of Saint Joseph Seminary in Yonkers where he teaches dogmatic theology. He is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Catholic Social Science Review published by the Society of Catholic Social Scientists.

Way back in my undergraduate days, I recall a course with the title Images of Man in Literature. It was team taught, with one professor from the Philosophy Department and the other professor from the English Department. It was the kind of course that fit in well in a liberal arts curriculum, not having to prove its value back then according to metrics which drive the constantly escalating cost of higher education today, things like the development of skills for the marketplace and acquiring employment readiness.

What really though is the likelihood that such a course could be offered today? It probably would be shot down early on by the Gender Studies Department as misogynist. …

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