Is Pope Francis laying down breadcrumbs for LGBT groups to sue his church into compliance with same-sex unions?
By John Zmirak, The Stream, June 11, 2021
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream, and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”
Last week, Jason Jones interviewed theologian John Gravino about the “Great Catholic Reset.” That’s a plan Gravino believes exists within church circles, and that Pope Francis favors. It’s relevant to all Christians because it entails entangling Church and State in ways we might think impossible. And threatens faithful believers worldwide. Gravino argues, in his book Confronting the Pope of Suspicion, that liberal Christians like Francis are preparing the way for pro-LGBT governments to meddle directly inside our sanctuaries.
Jones was so alarmed by the case Gravino made that he took to the Alex Jones Show. He talked for an hour with the controversial host. The topic? Strong evidence that Francis is yoking the Church to pro-abortion globalist institutions, “progressive” proponents of Wokeness, and the Chinese Communist government. …
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