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December 18, 2024Saint of the Day for December 19: Blessed Pope Urban V
December 19, 2024
By Clare Marie Merkowsky, LifeSiteNews, Dec 17, 2024 – 11:49 am EST
‘No matter what we are asked to suffer, we must remain with Him, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should abandon Him, should commit the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic faith,’ Cardinal Burke declared.
LA CROSSE, Wisconsin (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke exhorted Catholics to hold onto the Catholic faith regardless of “apostasy” at the highest levels of the Church hierarchy.
In a December 14 homily during Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Wisconsin, Cardinal Burke encouraged Catholics to keep their faith in difficult times, stressing the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our redemption.
“No matter what we are asked to suffer, we must remain with Him, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should abandon Him, should commit the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic faith,” Cardinal Burke said during the candlelit Rorate Mass said in the honor of the Blessed Virgin. ….