Cardinal Urosa: Amazon Synod Must Proclaim Christ, Church’s Main Mission

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SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER: The archbishop emeritus of Caracas, Venezuela, points to the key to revitalizing the Church.

By Cardinal Jorge Urosa, National Catholic Register, 10/21/19

We are now nearing the end of the Pan-Amazon synod. We have already seen the results of the various circuli minores (small working groups), most interesting and challenging; some quite innovative. These proposals will, of course, need to be subjected to the final vote. No matter what the result of this will be, I would like to point out in this article the key point of importance for the revitalization of the Church in Amazonia.

The synod must clearly announce that the fundamental mission of the Church is to proclaim Jesus Christ as our Savior.

And this applies as much to the indigenous communities of the missionary vicariates as to the churches already established as archdioceses and dioceses of the universal Church. It is important to strengthen the evangelization work and the clear, explicit and overt proclamation of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life, he in whom the mystery of the human being is deciphered and in whom all human wisdom makes sense. This is clearly affirmed by Vatican Council II in the pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes (10 and 22).

The Fundamental Mission of the Church: to Evangelize ….