By Carmelite Sisters, Integrated Catholic Life, Aug 5, 2024
Promoting a Deeper Spiritual Life Among Families through Healthcare, Education and Retreats The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles strive to give striking witness as a vibrant, thriving community of dedicated women with an all-consuming mission. It is our God-given mission, a mission of the heart, a mission of loving service to the poor, the sick, the needy and the uneducated. …
“So, persevere through life. It’s a beautiful journey.”
The realization that all things change is a fact of life that often continues to surprise us. We get comfortable, become accustomed to the concentric circles moving around us, perceive our lives to be stable and simply forget that life can change in a moment. Then we find ourselves experiencing an “event” or “something” that shifts our lived reality into a place of uncertainty because “something” has changed, whatever that “something” may be (health status, relationships, death, world events, loss of job, family circumstances, etc.).
This kind of quicksand (though it’s not always quick) can move us into a state of unsettledness, anxiety, fear, a feeling of being overwhelmed, a feeling of not being able to deal with life. How many of us feel this way or have felt this way? I think we all can raise our hands here. Are we meant to constantly move in and out of security and lack of safety? …
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