Catholic Church

April 3, 2021

This Holy Saturday, Remember The Disciples, Whose Fear And Weakness Is Our Own, by Christopher Bedford

By Christopher Bedford, The Federalist - Their courage in spreading the Word from Ukraine to Egypt and from India to Spain, and their bravery when put to death, serve as examples most of us can only hope to approach. But it comes more naturally to follow their path on Holy Saturday when Jesus lay in the tomb and his handpicked followers cowered in fear.
April 3, 2021

Fr. Dwight Longenecker: The Cross and Cancel Culture

By Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Crisis Magazine - ...the 21st century twenty-something with virtually no understanding of Christianity might well ask, “What does the execution of a criminal two thousand years ago have to do with me?…Just how, exactly, does the gruesome death of an insurrectionist on a Friday afternoon so long ago and so far away wipe out the naughty things I’ve done?”... I sympathize. Just what does the crucifix mean to modern man with smart phones and jet planes?
April 3, 2021

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky: Jesus is Not a Dictator

By Fr. Jerry Pokorsky, Catholic Culture - Holy Thursday and the Last Supper provide us with a tender and complicated scene of personal relationships: an admixture of joy, melancholy, and disturbing prospects of denial and betrayal. The Sacred three days—the Triduum—conclude with the glorious Resurrection. The grand finale of the Easter Season includes the Ascension and Pentecost.
April 3, 2021

Archbishop Viganò: A Meditation on the Passion and Death of the Lord

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSiteNews - The texts of the liturgy of the Sacred Triduum strike us, like the lash of a whip, for the crude brutality of the torments to which the Lord was subjected by the will of the Sanhedrin, at the order of the Roman procurator. The crowd, instigated by the high priests, invokes the innocent blood of the Son of God upon themselves and their children, denying in the space of just a few days the triumph which had been attributed to Him at His entrance into Jerusalem. ...
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