Catholic Church

October 19, 2018

St. Paul VI Saved My Son

By Matthew Walther, Catholic Herald - I have no doubt that Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini currenly enjoys the beatific vision for the very simple reason that I have obtained a humble but undeniable miracle by his intercession. Two weeks before our son, John, was born, my wife came down with a serious parasitic infection. After a day of perilously high fever and vomiting, new tests came back negative....
October 19, 2018

Federal Agents Serve Subpoenas to Pennsylvania Catholic Dioceses

By Ed Condon, CNA - There has been widespread speculation that a federal investigation might focus on charges related to institutional cover-ups or conspiracy, perhaps seeking to build a case under the federal RICO laws meant for dealing with organized crime. The official told CNA that, at present, the scope of the investigation does not seem to include conspiracy or other institutional charges.... “The files they are asking to be handed over, at least here, are in relation to the possible commission of particular crimes,”
October 19, 2018

Brian Clowes: What is the Role of Conscience in Moral Decision-Making?

By Brian Clowes, Ph.D., Human Life International - A fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the human conscience lies at the root of many of the problems in the Catholic Church today.  Very few Catholics even know what the conscience actually is.  When pressed, many will say “If my conscience tells me it’s all right, I can do it.”  This is just one way of saying “If it feels good, do it,” or, in the case of abortion, “If I think abortion is the lesser of two evils in my own personal situation, then it’s all right.”
October 19, 2018

Fr. Donald Calloway: St. Pope Paul VI: Defender of the Rosary

By Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Catholic Exchange - Saint Pope Paul VI’s tender devotion to Mary is evident in his request that his first Mass as a priest be celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Brescia. As a bishop and then later as pope, he frequently spoke at Marian congresses and events in order to encourage devotion to Mary.
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