
November 20, 2019

Pope Francis and the American Bishops, by Philip Lawler

By Philip Lawler, First Things - During the most significant debate of last week’s meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia rose to decry any suggestion that the American bishops are at odds with Pope Francis, “because that isn’t true.” That interpretation of the relationship between the U.S. and Rome “sets up an artificial battle between the bishops’ conference of the United States and the Holy Father which isn’t true,” he said. He rejected a brother bishop’s argument, based on that interpretation, “because it isn’t true.”
November 20, 2019

UN’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ and Pachamama (Pope Francis, Catholics “Must Obey the United Nations”) by Liz Yore

By Liz Yore, Church Militant - The globalists schemed for decades to cloak the tyrannical eco-hoax in a religious cloud cover but were thwarted by the two previous popes, who recognized the pernicious U.N. population control advocates were driving the environmental agenda — first under the U.N. 2015 Millennium Development Goals and now with the upgraded 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The global elites have snagged their "Green Pope" in the person of Jorge Bergoglio, who, like the tyrannical globalist that he is, recently chided Catholics that they "must obey the United Nations."
November 20, 2019

Vatican Financial Authority an ‘Empty Shell,’ Says Departing Board Member

By Catholic Culture - A member of the board of the Vatican’s Financial Information Authority (AIF) has resigned, telling the Associated Press that there is “no point in staying on the board of an empty shell.”… Questions about the independence of the AIF came to the fore in October, when Vatican police raided the agency’s offices, and the AIF’s director, Tommaso Di Ruzza, was suspended. The Vatican has not provided an explanation for the raid or the suspension.
November 19, 2019

ICYMI: Four Exorcists Urge Day of Fasting, Prayer and Reparation Dec. 6, by Bree A. Dail

By Bree A. Dail, National Catholic Register - Four exorcists have issued a joint statement asking Catholics worldwide to dedicate Dec. 6 as a day of fasting, prayer and reparation, “for the purpose of driving out any diabolic influence within the Church that has been gained as a result of recent events.”… The exorcists, who have requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of their ministries, cited in a particular way the controversy that took place during the recent Pan-Amazon Synod, when statues purportedly of Pachamama, a goddess worshiped by indigenous Andeans, were incorporated into various synod events.
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