
August 3, 2020

The Pro-Life Choice This November Could Not be Any Clearer: President Donald Trump, by Micaiah Bilger

By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews - The Democrats draft platform says “every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion.” The phrase “safe and legal abortion” echoes wording used by former President Bill Clinton—except that Clinton talked about keeping abortion “safe, legal and rare.” The omission of those critical last two words comes as no accident, as the Democrats have moved ever-leftward to support unlimited, taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
July 31, 2020

6 States Have Just 1 Abortion Clinic Left as the Abortion Industry is Falling Apart, by Carolyn Moynihan

By Carolyn Moynihan, LifeNews - Abortion clinics are closing as states legislate protections for unborn children and their mothers that are bad for business... Some 25 abortion restrictions have been enacted in more than a dozen states in the last year, and six states have only one remaining clinic.. The Trump administration last year changed federal funding rules for “family planning” services though the move is subject to a court challenge and it is not clear what difference this has made in practice.
July 30, 2020

State Ballot Questions on Life and Family Await Voters in November, by Mary Rose Short

By Mary Rose Short, EWTN News - California, Colorado and Louisiana voters will all face measures that deal with the deliberate destruction of human beings in their first weeks and months of life... Colorado and Louisiana have the opportunity to restrict abortion, while California will decide whether or not to further fund embryo-killing stem-cell research.
July 29, 2020

Texas Hospital Must Continue Life Support for 17-Month-Old Tinslee Lewis, Court Rules, by Nancy Flanders

By Nancy Flanders, Live Action News - Trinity Lewis, the mother of 17-month-old Tinslee Lewis, has secured a win in the Second Court of Appeals in Fort Worth, Texas. The court ruled 2-1 that the little girl, born prematurely and with a rare heart defect, will not be removed from life support against her family’s wishes. According to Court House News, this ruling will allow Lewis to challenge the state’s 10-Day Rule.
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