
January 27, 2020

Refuting the Lies of the ‘Abortion Truck’ During the March for Life, by Dr. Brent Bole

By Dr. Brent Bole, The Stream - It is easy to see through pro-abort lies if only you think about it for just a moment. This message board truck was parked outside of the hotel that was the headquarters for March for Life 2020 in Washington, D.C… The messages are downright Orwellian. And completely nonsensical… “Abortion is Health Care”.. Uhm, no… The Prime Directive of Healthcare is ‘Primum non nocere.’ First, do no harm. It is the opposite of ‘No Harm’ to starve or poison with chemicals or crush and dismember with instruments a living, innocent, helpless member of the human race.
January 27, 2020

Commentary: Trump and the Catholic Vote, by George Neumayr

By George Neumayr, The American Spectator - If Trump doesn’t appear with Catholic leaders as frequently as he appears with Evangelical ones, that’s because his Catholic support comes not from the top of the Church but from its grass-roots. The U.S. bishops are too politically and theologically liberal to appreciate Trump. They would rather pal around with Joe Biden. But rank-and-file, Mass-going Catholics don’t care. They long ago stopped taking their political cues from the bishops.
January 27, 2020

A ‘Right to Not Be Pregnant’? A Conflict of Interests, by Jennifer Hartline

By Jennifer Hartline, The Stream - Abortion advocates vary in their willingness to acknowledge that the child in the womb is indeed a human being, and that abortion does, in fact, kill an innocent human being. Most refuse to even go there in a debate or conversation. Those are dangerous waters to tread for someone who wants the killing to remain legal, without any restriction whatsoever… Instead, they will plant themselves firmly on the mount of women’s rights. A woman has a right not to be pregnant if she doesn’t want to be pregnant, and that settles it, they will say. End of discussion.
January 27, 2020

The Next Abortion Battleground: Chemical Abortion, by Patrina Mosley

By Patrina Mosley, Family Research Council - The Mifeprex abortion pill regimen is used for aborting babies that are up to 10 weeks old (see above image), at which point the baby already has a head, hands, feet, fingers, and toes. The baby also has a heartbeat and brain activity… The number of abortions being performed in the United States continues to decline annually and is currently at its lowest level since Roe v. Wade. Yet the rate of chemical abortions in the United States is at an all-time high. This rapid increase is primarily being driven by the abortion industry, which regards drug-based, do-it-yourself abortions as the best way to get around the many state-level pro-life laws being enacted around our country.
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