
August 6, 2019

Fr. Shenan J. Boquet: Living in a Post-Christian World?

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International - When building a Christian worldview, the battle of ideas is often the battle over definitions. After all, one who controls the language, has power over minds and hearts. Each word has its own particular emphasis, a specific definition, and a subtle yet distinct meaning. There is a close link between clarity in language and clarity of thought. Control the speech, control the thought, and control the masses. Asking, “What do you mean by that?” has never been more crucial, especially when language has been corrupted.
August 6, 2019

Our World Has Serious Problems. Having More Babies Can Help Solve Them, by Jeff Jacoby

By Jeff Jacoby, Patriot Post - By bringing children into a world where things have gone wrong, parents improve the odds that there will be someone to help set things right. The number of human beings has nearly quadrupled over the past century, and mankind is flourishing as never before. People live longer, healthier, and more comfortable lives. They are better fed, better housed, and better clothed. Age-old evils — slavery, genocide, child mortality, illiteracy, world wars, deaths from natural disasters, and absolute poverty — have been dramatically curbed, if not yet vanquished altogether.
August 5, 2019

Texas Town Declares Itself a “Sanctuary for Unborn Children,” Bans Abortion Clinics, by Mary Margaret Olohan

By Mary Margaret Olohan, LifeNews - The city of Waskom, Texas, declared itself a sanctuary city for the unborn in June, prompting pro-choice groups to post billboards advocating abortion access in the town… The Waskom city council passed an ordinance in an effort to ban abortions June 12. Abortions are not currently permitted in the state after 20 weeks, but supporters of the pro-life movement fear stricter abortion laws right across the border in Louisiana will cause more women to come to Texas for the procedure, according to The Washington Post.
August 5, 2019

Pro-Life Groups Renew Push for ‘Born Alive’ Bill, by Rachel del Guidice

By Rachel del Guidice, The Stream - Beginning Monday, pro-life activists are renewing efforts to convince members of Congress, home for the August recess, to support a vote on legislation that would protect babies who survive abortions… In the House, Democrats in the majority have blocked Republicans 80 times from setting up a vote on the “born-alive” bill that would protect babies who survive abortion procedures…
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