
July 22, 2019

SURPRISE: Gallup Poll Shows That Pro-Life Views are Increasing, by Michael J. New

By Michael J. New, National Review - Last week, Gallup released its annual public-opinion poll on abortion policy, and its results contain some good news for abortion opponents. According to the survey, a plurality of Americans now identify as pro-life, with 49 percent of respondents calling themselves “pro-life,” and 46 percent calling themselves “pro-choice.” This is the first Gallup poll since 2013 in which a higher percentage of respondents identified as “pro-life” rather than “pro-choice.”
July 22, 2019

What the Wen Firing Says About Planned Parenthood, by Monica M. Miller

By Monica Migliorino Miller, Crisis Magazine - The op-ed headline reads: “Leana Wen: Why I Left Planned Parenthood—I believe abortion is about health care, not politics. Many of my colleagues disagreed.” She openly discussed the “daily internal opposition” she endured because as Wen states: “Indeed, there was immediate criticism that I did not prioritize abortion enough.” She sought “to counter those who associate the organization with only abortion and use this misconception to attack its mission, I wanted to tell the story of all of its services—and in so doing, to normalize abortion care as the health care it is.”
July 20, 2019

Netflix Sees Historic Subscriber Drop, Loses 126,000 Customers After Threatening to Boycott Pro-Life Georgia, by Kaylee Greenlee

By Kaylee Greenlee, LifeNews - Netflix’s latest quarterly report shows the streaming service giant experienced a chill in growth with its first quarterly loss of paid domestic subscribers in eight years. The dip in subscriptions came in the same quarter as Netflix’s decision to take a stance against Georgia’s pro-life “heartbeat bill.”… Netflix “on Wednesday reported a loss of 126,000 domestic paid subscribers compared with analysts’ expectations for a 352,000 gain,” CNBC reported. “Netflix also missed its own forecast for global subscriber growth by 2.3 million.”
July 19, 2019

Wall Street Journal: A Coup at Planned Parenthood (‘Insufficiently Political’)

By The Editorial Board, The Wall Street Journal - Progressives are hurtling to the left so fast that even liberals in good standing are casualties of the tornado. Witness the coup this week at Planned Parenthood, which is a tacit reminder that the group is less a health-care outfit than a political lobby… The Planned Parenthood board defenestrated president Leana Wen, a physician who had been on the job for less than a year. What happened? By Dr. Wen’s account she was pushed out because she wasn’t radical enough on abortion.
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