
June 7, 2019

Products That Use Aborted Fetuses, by Andrea Byrnes

By Andrea Byrnes, Human Life International - Do some products contain fetal parts?... The new utilitarian use of people is a sophisticated enterprise, not visible to the human eye… Perhaps you are a diligent supporter and promoter of pro-life legislation, only vote for pro-life candidates, avoid entertainment from musicians and actors who openly support Planned Parenthood. Regardless, you may unwittingly be cooperating in aborted fetal cell research by purchasing products that use aborted fetuses, either in the product itself or in its development.
June 7, 2019

Why I, As a Black Pastor, Must Speak Out on Abortion, by Nathaniel Thomas

By Nathaniel Thomas, The Stream - In recent months, multiple states like Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana have passed laws to curb access to abortion… The left and the mainstream media are spinning a narrative that a draconian cabal of lawmakers is unjustly trying to take power away from women… Loud is the outrage and sharp is the criticism from women’s groups, college students, and prominent Democratic leaders… But the fact of the matter is that over 61 million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Over 19 million of those babies were African-American.
June 7, 2019

Archbishop J. F. Naumann: U.S. Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman Strongly Commends Trump Administration for Discontinuing Fetal Tissue Research at NIH

By Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that it will discontinue research conducted within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) involving the use of human fetal tissue from elective abortion and it will ensure that efforts to develop ethical alternatives are funded and accelerated. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, Chairman of the U.S.C.C.B. Committee on Pro-Life Activities issued the following statement strongly commending the Trump Administration for this important pro-life action.
June 7, 2019

As Last Missouri Abortion Facility Fights to Stay Open, Ex-Workers Cite a Wider Problem, by Lauretta Brown

By Lauretta Brown, National Catholic Register - A judge in St. Louis is deciding whether to issue an injunction allowing the last abortion facility in the state to remain open, amid the state health department’s refusal to renew its license due to concerns that include patient safety, failed surgical abortions and failure to obtain informed consent… And while Planned Parenthood argues that the state is targeting abortion access, some former abortion clinic workers say that the case is indicative of a larger problem that the organization has with meeting medical standards.
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