
June 4, 2019

How to Make a Pro-Choice Journalist Think, by Rob Schwarzwalder

By Rob Schwarzwalder, The Stream - “Study Finds that the Press Often Favors Abortion Rights in its Coverage.” Not surprising, right? The liberal media push liberal causes. The mainstream media are well-known for being pro-abortion… That was a headline in the Los Angeles Times… from a story published July 1, 1990. Nearly 30 years ago. How times haven’t changed… The pro-life bills now working their way through various state legislatures have shocked and angered many in the mainstream media. The way the media cover the destruction of unborn lives is one of the few constants in our culture.
June 3, 2019

The Statistic That Shames Catholic Politicians, by Matthew Schmitz

By Matthew Schmitz, Catholic Herald - If Catholics were barred from public office, our politics might be greatly improved. Such a harsh assessment would be unthinkable if Catholic politicians had identifiably Catholic voting records, but on the whole they do not… In fact, when it comes to defending unborn life, our purportedly Catholic legislators do more evil than good… But how do these Catholic politicians actually vote? In Evangelium Vitae, St John Paul II states that every person has “the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life” and that responsibility for the killing of the unborn falls on “legislators who have promoted and approved abortion laws”…
June 3, 2019

Real Talk On Natural Family Planning, by Deanna Johnston

By Deanna Johnston, Catholic East Texas - I became aware of Natural Family Planning (NFP) when I was young; in fact, NFP was an integral part of my family’s return to the Catholic Church. As a child, I remember seeing charts with the baby stickers and the colors. I attended a mother-daughter program once in grade school and again in high school that explained the goodness of God’s design of the male and female bodies and the gift of fertility. Basically, I knew that NFP was a thing, that the Catholic Church liked it, and that at some point I would probably use it too.
June 3, 2019

Adoption and a Pro-Life Anthropology

By Timothy P. O'Malley, Public Discourse - We have adopted two children, but neither was welcomed into our home primarily because of our desire to participate in building a pro-life culture. We are an infertile couple, and adoption has been the way that we’ve been able to live out a parental vocation… We were not primarily focused on saving the lives of children who were in danger of being aborted. We were participating, through the act of adoption, in the human task of caring for, educating, and cultivating the next generation. Simply, we fell in love with two kids—as everyone with a heart falls in love with kids.
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