Today’s Saint

November 2, 2023

Saint of the Day for November 2: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

Franciscan Media - The Church has encouraged prayer for the dead from the earliest times as an act of Christian charity. “If we had no care for the dead,” Augustine noted, “we would not be in the habit of praying for them.” Yet pre-Christian rites for the deceased retained such a strong hold on the superstitious imagination that a liturgical commemoration ...
October 27, 2023

Saint of the Day for October 27: Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza

Franciscan Media - Dominicans honor one of their own today, Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza. This was a man who used his skills as a preacher to challenge the heresies of his day... Bartholomew was born in Vicenza around 1200. At 20, he entered the Dominicans. Following his ordination, he served in various leadership positions. As a young priest, he founded a military order whose purpose was to keep civil peace in towns throughout Italy.
October 6, 2023

Saint of the Day for October 6: Saint Bruno

Franciscan Media - This saint has the honor of having founded a religious order which, as the saying goes, has never had to be reformed because it was never deformed. No doubt both the founder and the members would reject such high praise, but it is an indication of the saint’s intense love of a penitential life in solitude.
September 29, 2023

Saints of the Day for September 29: St. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Franciscan Media - Angels—messengers from God—appear frequently in Scripture, but only Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are named... Michael appears in Daniel’s vision as “the great prince” who defends Israel against its enemies; in the Book of Revelation, he leads God’s armies to final victory over the forces of evil. ...

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