Today’s Saint

July 12, 2023

Saints of the Day for July 12: Sts. John Jones and John Wall

Franciscan Media - These two friars were martyred in England in the 16th and 17th centuries for refusing to deny their faith... John Jones was Welsh. He was ordained a diocesan priest and was twice imprisoned for administering the sacraments before leaving England in 1590. ...
July 7, 2023

Saints of the Day for July 7: Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions

Franciscan Media - Not much is known of the early life of Emmanuel Ruiz, but details of his heroic death in defense of the faith have come down to us... Born of humble parents in Santander, Spain, he became a Franciscan priest and served as a missionary in Damascus. This was at a time when anti-Christian riots shook Syria and thousands lost their lives in just a short time.
July 6, 2023

Saint of the Day for July 6: St. Maria Goretti

Franciscan Media - One of the largest crowds ever assembled for a canonization—250,000—symbolized the reaction of millions touched by the simple story of Maria Goretti. She was the daughter of a poor Italian tenant farmer, had no chance to go to school, never learned to read or write. ...
July 3, 2023

Saint of the Day for July 3: St. Thomas the Apostle

Franciscan Media - Poor Thomas! He made one remark and has been branded as “Doubting Thomas” ever since. But if he doubted, he also believed. He made what is certainly the most explicit statement of faith in the New Testament: “My Lord and My God!” and, in so expressing his faith, gave Christians a prayer that will be said till the end of time. ..

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