
September 28, 2018

The Foundations of the Human Person: Fr. James Martin, Robert P. George, and Daniel Mattson on the Terms of Gay Identity

By  David Henderson,  The Witherspoon Institute - The language of “orientation” is not neutral with respect to the nature of human beings. It makes a fundamental claim about human nature—one that rejects the given order of reality... Fr. James Martin’s impassioned plea in Building a Bridge for a new spirit of dialogue between the Church and the LGBT+ community continues to fuel divisive debate. Since its publication, critics and supporters have sparred over the book’s glaring omission of the Church’s magisterial teaching on homosexual relations.
September 27, 2018

Msgr. Charles Pope : A Meditation on the Poverty of Riches, as Seen in a Video

By Msgr. Charles Pope - One of the great problems of our time is satiation. Because of our own inordinate drives, we accumulate and indulge beyond reason. Filled, we have little room for God or others for that matter... The more affluent we become in material things, the more spiritually poor we seem to become. The higher our standard of living, the lower our overall morals. The more filled our coffers, the emptier our churches.
September 26, 2018

Kathryn Jean Lopez: How About a Little More George Washington?

By Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review - George Washington didn’t have Twitter. He didn’t have everyone everywhere seeming to be an expert on everything political, as we watch it all as one extremely entertaining and yet horrifying and anxiety-heightening reality-TV show. But, as Rick Brookhiser writes: We have our problems and distractions, but George Washington had his. If a great man took the trouble to behave well, so can we....
September 25, 2018

“The Lord of the Rings”: Read It & Weep

By Fr. Dwight Longenecker, The Imaginative Conservative - I once met Tolkien’s daughter after Mass in North Oxford. I remarked on her father’s work, saying that in my opinion he was the supreme Catholic evangelist of the modern age. She gave me a quizzical look and asked why. “Because in his art he reminds millions that ‘there is some good in this world Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.'” She smiled at the quotation and the conversation moved on.

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