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August 25, 2018

Daily Reading & Meditation: Saturday (August 25)

“Whoever humbles oneself will be exalted” Author Don Schwager – Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12 1 Then said Jesus to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and […]
August 24, 2018

Fr. Mike Schmitz: The Pennsylvania Sex Abuse Scandal (Video)

By Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Presents - This talk is difficult for Fr. Mike to give, but sadly, it is also necessary. Since the Pennsylvania Report was released, practically every headline with the word “Catholic” in it has been about the report, which gives accounts of three hundred priests who allegedly abused over one thousand minors over seventy years. Indignation is not the main message Fr. Mike wants to express here—although he feels that too. More than anything, he wants his viewers to know that now—more than ever—we need to live virtuous and holy lives and become the saints the Church needs.
August 24, 2018

Catholics Launch ‘Counter-Revolution’ Against ‘Errant Shepherds’ Inside Church

By James Risdon, LifeSiteNews - Faithful Catholics are launching a counter-revolution in Ireland this week against “errant shepherds” within the church, says Lumen Fidei Institute founder Anthony Murphy... "Let's turn to God. Let's ignore these errant shepherds and let's call them out and name them and pray for good shepherds," said Murphy during his August 22 opening remarks at the “Conference of Catholic Families,” an alternate conference to the currently running World Meeting of Families (WMOF)
August 23, 2018

Daily Reading & Meditation: Thursday (August 23)

They would not come to the feast! Author Don Schwager – Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14   1 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom […]

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