
June 22, 2018

The Brown Pelican Will Return Saturday, June 30th

Thank you for your continued readership and support.  Check back on Saturday, June 30th for the latest in news and commentary.  Please pray for the protection of the unborn!
June 21, 2018

The Second Prophesy of “Humanae Vitae:” A “General Lowering of Moral Standards”

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International - Released in 1968, at the height of the hippie revolution with its optimistic doctrines of “free love” and emancipation from tradition and authority, Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae was widely dismissed as the proverbial killjoy at the greatest party the world had yet seen: the sexual revolution… Blessed Paul VI’s four “prophesies” about what would happen if contraception became normalized…
June 21, 2018

Since Its Debut 20 Years Ago, ‘Sex And The City’s’ Profoundly Unrealistic View Of The World Has Hurt Women

By Noelle Mering, The Federalist - Sophisticated moderns think of “Leave it to Beaver” as a contrived reflection of a societally imposed, but ultimately unfulfilling domesticity. We should now see “Sex and the City” as the “Leave it to Beaver” of the sexual revolution: a glossy representation at odds with the sad reality on the ground. Our new conception of the good life for women as highly ambitious sexual libertines has created a generation of Stepford single girls pantomiming a life of glamor that can feel as hollow as it does harmful.
June 14, 2018

Who Are The Saints in the Eucharistic Prayer?

By Allison Low, Catholic Stand - It struck me that, although I had heard these names hundreds if not thousands of times in the Mass over the years, I did not know much about their significance or even who some of them were. This moved me to spend some time studying the lives of these holy Saints whom the Church holds so prominently in her life, to the point of inserting them into the heart of the Mass itself.

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