
June 1, 2018

Live Action Unveils New Video Series Exposing Planned Parenthood’s ‘Systemic Sexual Abuse Cover-Up’

By Liberty McArtor, The Stream - Planned Parenthood provides abortions. Do you know what else the group provides? According to the pro-life organization Live Action, cover-ups of child sexual abuse... Live Action just announced a new video series. Titled “Aiding Abusers,” the seven videos will be released on YouTube. Three have been released so far. Topics include recorded cases of employees failing to report sexual abuse, testimony from former workers, and Planned Parenthood’s failure to report sex trafficking.
May 31, 2018

The Shockwaves of Abortion are Headed for Ireland

By Janet Morana, EWTNNews - As surely as an aftershock follows an earthquake, the shockwaves of abortion are headed for Ireland... It’s been widely reported that since 1980, 170,000 Irish women have traveled abroad to have an abortion... The number of women who will be able to stay home for abortion will grow exponentially now that the country has voted overwhelmingly in favor of repealing an amendment that gave equal protection to the unborn as to their mothers... We saw it happen in the U.S. after Roe v. Wade.
May 30, 2018

The Amazing Humanities Dept. That Was Shut Down After Too Many Students Converted to Catholicism

By ChurchPOP Editor - FOCUS missionary Ethan Stueve recently tweeted about an amazing story: in the 1970s there used to be a humanities program at the University of Kansas that got shut down because too many of its students were converting to Catholicism… Here’s the story: Three professors, Dr. Dennis Quinn, Dr. John Senior, and Dr. Frank Nelick, ran a program called the Integrated Humanities Program at the University of Kansas from 1970 to 1979.
May 26, 2018

How to Switch from Martha to Mary in an Instant

By Carrie Gress, National Catholic Register - As I churned the details of it over in my head, working myself up into an emotional lather like I had done so many other times, something new came to mind: “Guard your peace.” It was gentle and came in almost a whisper into my soul. But it was clear.

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