
October 30, 2021

Fr. Joseph M. Esper: The Saints on Healing Through Grief

By Fr. Joseph M. Esper, Catholic Exchange - If you’re grieving the loss of a loved one and you know that no one can take that person’s place, there are few words that can truly console you. Nevertheless, through God’s grace, the support of those who love you, and the passage of time, you will get through this period of sorrow. In the meantime, it may be of some consolation to know that many of the saints grieved like you.
October 29, 2021

Fr. Raymond J. de Souza: The Witness of the Mafia Martyrs

By Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, First Things - The Archdiocese of Catania, Sicily’s second-largest city, has put a three-year ban on godparents at baptism and sponsors at confirmation. Other Sicilian dioceses are planning similar steps. “In the Land of the Godfather Comes a Ban on Them” was the apt headline in The New York Times. The archdiocese has instituted the ban because of the entanglement of godfathers with mafia patronage in Sicily.
October 21, 2021

Our Purgatory Is Their Nirvana, by Victor Davis Hanson

By Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness - Never in recent American history has any administration birthed such disasters in its first nine months... Yet most Americans are arguing not over the sheer chaos and disasters of the Biden Administration, but rather how could such sheer pre-civilizational calamity occur in modern America?.. Were these disasters a result of historic incompetency? Or mean-spirited nihilism? Or a deliberate effort to create the necessary turbulence to birth a new American revolution? Or a bit of all three?
October 20, 2021

Fr. Gerald E. Murray: Whither the Synod on Synods?

By Fr. Gerald E. Murray, The Catholic Thing - The two-year Synod on Synodality began last weekend. A Preparatory Document (PD) and a Handbook (H) have been issued by the office of the Synod of Bishops. The three guiding themes of the Synod are Communion, Mission, and Participation. And the predominant image of this whole experience is the Church on a “journey.”... The general reaction, so far, by Catholics who have heard about it is confusion and even headshaking. Synodality is a word with no clear meaning to most people ...

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