
September 22, 2021

Fr. Gerald E. Murray: The Pope and Civil Unions

By Fr. Gerald E. Murray, The Catholic Thing - Holy Father, what are your thoughts on this?”  The pope responded by defending marriage as a sacrament: “I have spoken clearly about this: marriage is a sacrament, marriage is a sacrament. And the Church does not have the power to change the sacraments. They are thus, as the Lord has instituted [for] us.” But he also endorsed civil unions for homosexuals.
September 15, 2021

On Being Rooted in the Kingdom of Heaven, by Dr. Jeff Mirus

By Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture - Often what I end up reading for spiritual enrichment are the few books that come across my desk from Catholic publishers that just happen to be excellent spiritual reading for me. This was the case, for example, with the brilliant, deep and rich work on the liturgy by David Fagerberg, which I reviewed and from which I even posted a chapter (with permission) on CatholicCulture.org. But Fagerberg is not only a wordsmith and a wit but a scholar, and his book on the liturgy is not going to be the best thing for all readers.
September 13, 2021

The Democratic Party: A History of Race Politics, by John C. Chalberg

By John C. Chalberg, Crisis Magazine - What do Andrew Jackson, John C. Calhoun, Stephen Douglas, James Buchanan, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden have in common? All of course have been either Democratic presidents or presidential contenders spanning the long history of the oldest political party in continuous existence on the face of this earth.
August 30, 2021

Our Afghan Nightmare: Tanks for Nothing, by Victor Davis Hanson

By Victor Davis Hanson - When Joe Biden now threatens al-Qaeda, ISIS-K, and others with revenge, he sounds, unfortunately, more like the ridiculous Joe of “Corn Pop” braggadocio with his weaponized chain, or Joe taking Trump behind the gym to womp on him, or young Joe Biden slamming the mouthy kid’s head on the lunch counter. Speaking softly with a club is preferable to being loud with a twig.

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