
July 29, 2020

Is Racism Responsible for Today’s Black Problems? by Walter E. Williams

By Walter E. Williams, Townhall - In recent times, there is an average of 9,252 black-on-black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 blacks murdered at the hands of other blacks. Only a tiny percentage of blacks are killed by police. For example, in Chicago this year, there were 414 homicides, with a total of 2,078 people shot. So far in 2020, three people have been killed by police and four were shot.
July 29, 2020

Google, Facebook, Twitter Shut Down ‘Frontline’ US Doctors Who Promote ‘Cure for COVID’, by Anthony Murdoch

By Anthony Murdoch, LifeSiteNews - The doctors’ group website (which as of press time appears to be taken offline..) claims that “American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.”
July 28, 2020

Honoring the Elderly, by Charles C. Camosy

By Charles C. Camosy, First Things - If the pandemic has a silver lining, it is that it has forced us to reexamine how our culture treats the elderly. It has forced us to reconsider shuttling our relatives off to facilities to die alone, apart from their families. Even before the pandemic, nursing homes were woefully underfunded and understaffed, and many residents died because of despair or neglect. This is not how we honor our elders.
July 27, 2020

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected US Dioceses? by Jim Graves

By Jim Graves, EWTN News - The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) surveyed U.S. bishops and reported that the COVID-19 pandemic has had major adverse effects on U.S. dioceses. Indeed, most indicated that the celebration of the sacraments was “very affected” and that it had significantly affected the morale of clergy as well as lay church staff... Steps taken by bishops to meet financial shortfalls due to the elimination of Sunday collections include applying for government aid, encouraging parishioners to donate electronically, ending diocesan programs, and even closing schools and parishes and laying off staff.

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