
March 21, 2020

Founder’s Quote

“A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to the objects of the government; secondly, a knowledge of the means, by which those objects can be […]
March 21, 2020

Today’s Heresy: Questioning the Response to the Coronavirus, by Dr. Jeff Mirus

By Dr. Jeff Mirus, Catholic Culture - Economies are being destroyed around the world, including in the United States. This is happening not because of the devastation of the Coronavirus but because of the governmental fear that the virus might be devastating if extreme anti-plague measures are not adopted. As the prevention measures become more and more stringent, most of the public assumes they are more and more necessary—that COVID-19 must really be a very serious threat. After all, even if it isn’t so bad right now, it might mutate into something worse.
March 19, 2020

Fr. Roger Landry: 4 Virtues Needed to Help Keep Your Eyes on Christ in This Crisis

By Fr. Roger Landry, National Catholic Register - During the 1576 plague that menaced the northern Italian city of Milan and eventually took 25,000 lives, the civil government fled the city out of fear. The archbishop of Milan, St. Charles Borromeo, took over, assured the people he would not abandon them and, together with priests from the parishes and religious orders, began to care for their material and spiritual needs… He organized hospitals, cared for orphans and brought the sacraments to those who were quarantined in their homes. He got priests to offer Masses in public squares and the middle of streets so that people could participate from their houses. …
March 17, 2020

This is the Sure Cure for Coronaphobia, by John Horvat II

By John Horvat II, Return to Order - Coronaphobia is caused by a society where the enjoyment of life is the supreme value. That is why the full might of the medical establishment must be mobilized with such passion. Everything must be done to prolong the lives of those who still enjoy life and have little thought about the hereafter… Yet not all life is equally valued in today’s hedonistic culture. The same medical establishment that scrambles to treat coronavirus victims snuffs out thousands of lives daily, through abortion and euthanasia, so that others might free themselves from responsibilities and “enjoy” life.

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