
June 20, 2022

Homosexual Plague, by Paul Aubert

By Paul Aubert, Church Militant - Of the 524 confirmed cases in the United Kingdom, "most cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with men," the U.K. Health Agency reported Wednesday... And in surveying 152 cases last week, the U.K. Health Agency found 151 participants, or 99%, were practicing homosexuals who "identify as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men."
June 13, 2022

Senators Reach Agreement on Gun Control, Including Red Flag Laws to Take Guns from Law-Abiding Americans, by Cristina Laila

By Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit - A group of bipartisan senators on Sunday reached an agreement on principle for gun legislation which includes ‘red flag’ laws... The Red Flag Laws by Democrats are not meant to stop crime. They are only meant to take guns from legal gun owners.
May 24, 2022

Two GOP Senators Demand Biden Withdraw US From ‘Corrupt and Inept’ World Health Organization, by Calvin Freiburger

By Calvin Freiburger, LifeSiteNews - The letter faults the White house for supporting “at least two measures intended to increase the power of the WHO at the expense of sovereign nations like our own”: proposed amendments to the January 18 International Health Regulations “that would, among other things, grant unilateral authority to declare public health emergencies of international or regional concern to the WHO’s Director General and Regional Directors, respectively" ...
May 11, 2022

Nancy Pelosi: Pro-Life Republicans are a “Cult” Because They Don’t Support Killing Babies, by Micaiah Bilger

By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews - Nancy Pelosi, a supposedly devout Catholic who believes late-term abortions are “sacred ground,” called pro-life Republicans a “cult” on Monday... (Pelosi) criticized pro-life Republican leaders as many anticipate the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade soon.

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