Robert George Reflects on Trump Admin’s Latest Religious Liberty Moves
October 10, 2017How I Got Middle Schoolers to Read Great Books Again
October 10, 2017
By Micaiah Bilger,, Oct. 9, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC – Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has been a consistently strong voice for life in California, one of the most pro-abortion states in America.
On Sunday, Cordileone described the legalized killing of unborn babies as a scourge on America during a Mass at the San Francisco Archdiocese for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Church Militant reports.
Abortion is “a deadly epidemic, tantamount to a genocide on life in the womb,” Cordileone said in his homily.
“In many ways, what was once unthinkable has become routine,” he continued. “God is roundly mocked in our very streets.”
Abortion is more prevalent than many people may realize. Since Roe v. Wade opened the doors to abortion on demand, about 60 million unborn babies have died in abortions. Every year, approximately 1 million unborn babies are aborted in the United States.
But abortion rates have been dropping, thanks to the hard work of pro-life advocates across the country, many of them Christians. The Catholic Church and many Christian denominations teach that human life is intrinsically valuable because it is created in the image of God. Catholic Church leaders especially have been vocal advocates across the world for protections for all human lives, from conception to natural death.
The San Francisco archbishop has faced criticism for preaching so strongly about family values, such as the sanctity of every human life.
In 2015, he rebuked U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for supporting abortion on demand and claiming to be Catholic. Pelosi lives in the San Francisco Archdiocese.
“It is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception,” the archbishop said in a written statement to in 2015. “This has been established in medical science for over 100 years. Catholic moral teaching acknowledges this scientific fact, and has always affirmed the grave moral evil of taking an innocent human life.”
Cordileone also helped to organize a 2012 campaign to pray to end abortion. It came during a time of repeated attacks on human life and religious freedom by the pro-abortion Obama administration.