Catholic Bishop Blasts Joe Biden: He Will Force Americans to Fund Abortions

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By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, Sept. 24, 2020

Washington, DCIllinois Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki asked voters to consider how Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden wants to force Americans to fund abortions and keep abortion on demand legal before they vote in November.

In a column in the Catholic Times, the newspaper of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Paprocki said the United States bishops are encouraging Catholics to make the sanctity of human life a “preeminent priority” when they vote.

“As election day in our country approaches in less than two months, people have been asking me if I will provide some guidance as they consider the candidates and ponder their votes,” he wrote. “While I cannot endorse candidates for office, I and other church officials can provide voter education and pertinent information to help inform one’s choices.”  …

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