The False Dichotomy: Communism vs. Capitalism
May 11, 2021Fed-Up Public Confronting Far-Left Mobs, and Everybody Has a Gun, by Billy Davis, Steve Jordahl
May 11, 2021
By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, May 10, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC – It is not the Catholic Church but pro-abortion politicians who profess to be Catholic who are politicizing Communion, the Rev. Thomas Weinandy wrote this month at The Catholic Thing.
Weinandy, a Capuchin Franciscan and member of the Vatican International Theological Commission, said pro-abortion Catholic politicians “are using – and so abusing – the Eucharist for seemingly political purposes – to present themselves as ‘devout’ Catholics,” according to the Catholic News Agency.
An intense debate within the Catholic Church, leaders are mulling whether President Joe Biden, a radical pro-abortion Democrat who professes to be a devout Catholic, and other public leaders who support abortion should continue to be allowed to participate in the Eucharist. …